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Supporting providers and the care market

Social care is facing significant challenges both nationally and locally and with this in mind we employ a proactive approach to supporting care providers.

We reviewed how we support providers to deliver good and sustainable services and as a result, developed a new Quality Assurance and Market Support team to build on the previous Care and Business Support and Proud to Care teams. The new team will be working collaboratively and supportively with providers to improve the quality of all care services.

We continue to participate in the Proud to Care national initiative which supports the external care market with recruitment and retention in order to strengthen and enhance the market to meet increasing demand. For more information visit West Sussex Proud to Care website where people can find and apply for a variety of jobs across the county.

Looking ahead and what's happening now

  • Retention and recruitment remains a challenge and this prompted the development of the Great Care Employer scheme which was co-produced with West Sussex Partners in Care and market providers.  This enables providers to highlight what they can offer to job seekers focussed on four themes: pay and benefits; job security and flexibility; learning and development; and supported and valued.  The scheme has been recognised as good practice by both Skills for Care and NHS England.

A newsletter with updates and information for all West Sussex providers is circulated regularly and we also maintain a website which hosts a wide range of information, advice, guidance and resources to support providers. This includes  information about infection prevention and control which has been vital as providers have been managing the changing COVID-19 situation.  

Supporting providers through COVID-19

During 2022-23, our Contracts Older People Team continued to support providers through the challenges by:

  • responding to queries and offering advice and support to care homes experiencing outbreaks
  • summarising Government messages and guidance and sending updates to providers via the regular provider newsletters
  • administering additional financial support to providers, including Adult Social Care Infection Control grant funding to all registered care homes in the county and COVID-19 fee uplifts to contracted providers
  • recording, monitoring and analysing local data relating to restrictions, outbreaks and deaths, to inform targeted support and to understand the impact on the market
  • facilitating regular provider briefings/meetings to discuss topics impacting the market, to understand challenges and pressures on providers, and to promote joint working between the Council and care providers.
Last updated: 30 January 2024