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  • Reablement and recovery

    Reablement is short-term support to help people get their lives back on track and retain or regain daily living skills following an illness, injury, hospital stay or a crisis. The focus of reablement is on restoring the ability to manage independently at home rather than on resolving health issues...

  • Support to live independently

    Improve your physical and mental health to help you to stay active and independent for longer. We know that people value their independence and would prefer to live independently at home for as long as possible. Sometimes, this may mean getting extra help for short periods of time or making adjus...

  • Introduction

    Living with a long-term health condition or disability may mean you have to make adjustments to the way you live your life. Maintaining a healthy lifestyle and taking advantage of the available support will help you to live well and do the things you enjoy. Improve your physical and mental healt...

  • Learning disability

    Easy read information The Easy read section contains information about learning disabilities and the support available, including: Coronavirus and flu Getting started Support in your community If you need someone to help Help from specialist staff Where to get more advice.

  • Transition to adulthood

    Guide to WSCC Lifelong Services – Transition Team There is a lot to consider about transition, so we recommend that young people are supported to prepare for adulthood as early as possible. This guide is designed as a starting point to support young people, their family/carers and staff.

  • Online safety

    Staying safe online With more and more of us using the internet to keep in touch with friends and family, purchase goods or finding out information, it’s important to be aware of the potentials risks of being online. West Sussex County Council provide advice and support to help you stay safe onlin...

  • Scams and frauds

    Dealing with scams If you receive an unexpected letter, phone call, email or visit, be cautious, it could be a scam! Scam attempts typically start with someone making contact ‘out of the blue’. The fraudsters can be extremely convincing, their aim is to catch you ‘off guard’, to win your trust, an...

  • Benefits and financial help

    Websites you may be interested in Benefits are essential to the welfare of many people, so it is important that you take up your full entitlement. Vist the Department for Work and Pensions website for more information . If you would like support to check what you are entitled to and to make ...

  • Introduction

    This section aims to help you to think about your money situation so that you can maximise your finances and do the things you enjoy. Benefits and financial help Depending on your age and situation, you may be entitled to extra income through benefits. There are organisations who can help you to...

  • Carewise care funding scheme

    Easing the worry of paying for long-term care The Carewise care funding scheme was set up by West Sussex County Council, in partnership with Age UK West Sussex, Brighton and Hove, the Society of Later Life Advisers and West Sussex Partners in Care. It supports people to find the most cost-effect...