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Approved Mental Health Professionals (AMHP) Service Annual Report 2020-21

Annual Report. Version 1.0, November 2021


Approved Mental Health Professionals (AMHP) Service: Annual Report, 2021-22

This annual report for 2021-22 provides details of the range of work undertaken by West Sussex County Council and the challenges it faced with providing a statutory Mental Health Act assessment response during the continuing Covid-19 pandemic and subsequently. Version 2.0, September 2022


Approved Mental Health Professionals (AMHP) Service: Annual Report, 2022-23

Annual performance report of West Sussex County Council's Approved Mental Health Professionals (AMHP) Service for the financial year 2022-23. Version 3.0, October 2023


Approved Mental Health Professionals (AMHP) Service: Annual Report 2023-24

Annual performance report of West Sussex County Council's Approved Mental Health Professionals (AMHP) Service for the financial year 2023-24. Version 4.0, September 2024


Care Act 2014 Charging for Care and Support: Policy

The County Council's charging policy for the financial year sets out the requirements and arrangements for charging for social care services, whether in the community or in a residential or nursing home. The legal authority to charge is set out in the Care Act 2014 and its accompanying Regulations. Version 2.9d, September 2024


Choice of Accommodation Policy

The Choice of Accommodation policy sets out how the Council will offer, wherever possible, a choice of care and accommodation to a person, but in the event that choices are limited or need to be sourced urgently, how the Council intends to discharge its statutory duties. Version 1.4, December 2023


Consent to collect and share your experiences of adult social care form

This form should be completed with a customer or family and friend carer to ensure informed consent is correctly obtained and can be evidenced for the collection and sharing of experiences. Version 1.1, December 2023


Direct Payments Policy

This policy sets out how the Council will deliver direct payments within Adults' Services. This policy applies to all council practitioners and those partner organisations with delegated responsibility. Please note: This is an interim document for Adults' Services only and it will be updated further following adoption by Children's Services. Version 3.0, November 2024


Guide to Collecting and Sharing People's Stories, Case Studies, and Images

Guidance for staff on the process to be followed to ensure that informed consent is correctly obtained and can be evidenced for the collection and appropriate sharing of people's stories, case studies and images, internally and externally. The guidance also explains what information can be shared if you are unable to obtain consent. Version 2.0, November 2023


Lone working policy and practice guidance

The County Council seeks to minimise the risks faced by its staff who work alone. It is required to do all it can in this respect under current employer legislation. This updated policy and practice guidance for both Adults' Operations and Family Operations is designed to alert staff to the risks, identify individual responsibilities, and provide guidance to support the minimisation of risk. Version 1.2, February 2018


Medication Policy  

The 2021 update of this policy includes information about controlled drugs, consent and capacity, deprivation of liberty safeguards, and medicines reconciliation. This policy includes a number of templates, organised as appendices. Version 1.5, February 2021

Mental Health Act S.117 Policy, pan-Sussex

Externally produced document

S.117 Mental Health Act covers the arranging of after-care services to particular patients who continue to have both health and social care needs on leaving a mental health hospital in which they have previously been compulsorily detained for treatment. This pan-Sussex policy is agreed by NHS Sussex Integrated Care Board with Sussex Partnership NHS Foundation Trust. Underneath this sits a Local Agreement between that NHS Trust with West Sussex County Council, and associated practice guidance. Following the Judgment of the UK Supreme Court in August 2023 the policy document will be amended. Version 5.0, December 2022


Mental Health Act S.135 S.136 policy and guidance

Externally produced document

This pan-Sussex multi-agency S.135 and S.136 policy advises what is to be done when a person needs a Mental Health Act assessment in a designated place of safety. The document is owned by Sussex Partnership NHS Foundation Trust and now includes information about a new designated single point of contact. The document does not meet the Accessible Information Standard in this format. Version 8.1, July 2020


Mental Health Act S.6 policy and procedures

Externally produced document

Arrangements for the conveyance of patients subject to the Mental Health Act are specified in this pan-Sussex document. This replaces version 4 from October 2015 and the separate briefing issued in December 2017. Details of the revised arrangements for the sourcing of out-county inpatient beds for individuals are included in section 12. Version 5.0, April 2021.


Mental Health Act S.7 Guardianship: policy

This document sets out the County Council's policy on Guardianship under the Mental Health Act 1983 and its Code of Practice (2015). It is accompanied by a separate practice guidance document that details how applications for Guardianship are made by Approved Mental Health Professionals and how those applications are then processed by the County Council. Version 5.2, July 2022.


Minor adaptation and deep clean practice guidance

This practice guidance sets out how the County Council, in partnership with District and Borough Councils, will provide assistance for funding essential minor adaptations to promote independence within the home, and to arrange for properties to be cleaned in order to reduce risks associated with a person remaining in an unhygienic property, with the intention of promoting peoples' independent living and well-being. Version 1.5, August 2023


Payments and reimbursement of expenses for customers and family and friend carers

This guidance sets out the Adults' Services process for the payment of out-of-pocket expenses and where appropriate, the payment for involvement to support inclusion and incentivise participation. Version 11.0, June 2024


Personal Relationships for Adults with a Learning Disability Policy

This policy is designed to provide workers with relevant information; increase workers' confidence and competence in dealing with situations at work relating to sexuality; and give clear guidance on how to respond in specific situations. The appendices contains a useful list of resources. Version 3.4, July 2020


Personal Relationships for Adults with a Learning Disability Easy Read

An easyread version of the personal relationships policy. Version 3.0, July 2020


Physical intervention for adults with learning disabilities in day and residential care

General review and update Version 5.0, August 2022


Provider services’ financial administration

Practice guidance for in-house Provider Services staff. Version 1.1, August 2020


Supporting people with social care needs policy

This policy sets out how the council has applied its duties outlined in the Care Act 2014 in relation to how it supports people with social care needs. Version 1.1, June 2023


Suspension of New Placements and Care Packages to Adult Care Services Commissioned by WSCC Policy

The purpose of this policy is to ensure the process for the suspension of new placements and care packages to a service is open and transparent for the service provider, people using the service, and partner agencies. Version 1.0, September 2023


Sussex safeguarding adults policy and procedures

Externally produced document

Edition 4 contains a more detailed contents list, and a summary of the Care and support statutory guidance published in March 2016 which replaces the Care Act statutory guidance published in November 2014. There are no printed copies of Edition 4. You can however download a PDF of the policy and procedures. The online version will be updated regularly. Please register for updates via the link. Edition 4, July 2016


Transport Policy

Funding of transport for people with eligible needs. Version 1.1, January 2022

Last updated: 24 January 2025