Support to live independently
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- Support to live independently

Improve your physical and mental health to help you to stay active and independent for longer.
We know that people value their independence and would prefer to live independently at home for as long as possible. Sometimes, this may mean getting extra help for short periods of time or making adjustments at home to help with day-to-day tasks.
This section offers you practical suggestions on how you can remain as independent as possible, advice on maintaining a healthy lifestyle, support available to help you around your home and the support that’s available within your local community and beyond.

Whatever your situation, there are many simple things you can do to improve your physical and mental health to help you to stay active and independent for longer.
For example, maintaining a more active lifestyle can lead to reduced risks of a range of illnesses and conditions, increased strength and energy levels and reduced risk of falls. Read more in our Health and Wellbeing section.
Find things to do in your community
Improving your overall fitness and strength will not only help you to remain living independently in your own home for longer, but also enable you to get out and about and join in local groups and activities, pursue a new hobby or learn a new skill.
There are many benefits of socialising with family and friends and participating in clubs and activities in your community. It is thought to improve brain health as well as your general feeling of wellbeing.
Whatever your interests, visit Getting out and about discover what’s going on in your local area.
Live well at home
If you feel you could benefit from some additional help and support to stay living at home, take a look at our section on equipment and housing. You will find information and advice on the different equipment and technology available to help you live independently at home for longer.