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Government statistics show that 1 in 6 adults experience some mental health difficulty in their lives. 

Mental health difficulties range from the worries we all experience as part of everyday life to serious long-term conditions. Circumstances that may cause people to experience a mental health difficulty include bereavement, the break-up of relationships, moving house, moving jobs, unemployment, or the sudden illness or deterioration in health of a loved one.

People may experience physical symptoms such as disrupted eating and sleeping patterns, feelings of panic, tension, and dizziness. 

The uncertainty in people’s lives brought about by the COVID-19 pandemic has had an additional impact on some people's mental wellbeing. A loss of routine, social connections and /or leisure activities and, experiencing periods of lockdown can  have negative impacts on people’s mental health.

The majority of people who experience mental health difficulties recover - or learn to live with them, particularly if they get help early on.

Depression affects as many as 50% of women and 25% of men before the age of 70.
Last updated: 07 November 2023

Websites you may be interested in

Mental health foundation

Mental Health Foundation



Rethink Mental Illness

Rethink Mental Illness

Right Here

Right Here

West Sussex Wellbeing

West Sussex Wellbeing