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What happens at the transition referral meeting?

All new transition referrals are initially screened by the Lifelong Services transition team managers and senior social work practitioners.

The purpose of this is to:

  • check that evidence that the person has a lifelong disability acquired before the age of 25 years i.e. clinical evidence of disability, Education, Health and Care Plan (EHCP), My Plan etc. has been submitted with the referral
  • explore if the person is likely to need clinical support, for example from the Adult Mental Health or the Community Learning Disability Team
  • to decide if a person with complex health needs should have an assessment for NHS Continuing Healthcare (CHC). If the young person has a primary health need and is eligible for CHC funding, their case is normally then closed to social services
  • place all eligible transition referrals on the waiting list for allocation to a transition care manager. Prior to allocation, a care manager will make contact with the young person and/or their carer/s for an initial discussion about the young person’s plans for their future, and how they are going to meet their identified outcomes
  • provide an explanation to the referrer or young person with signposting, advice and information as necessary, if a transition referral is not accepted.
Last updated: 02 September 2021