How are transition referrals made?
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- Guide to Lifelong Services – Transition Team
- Transition referrals process
- How are transition referrals made?

Transition referrals enable us to be aware of young people who may need advice, information or support from Adults' Services.
If the young person is known to Children’s Services, the allocated worker will confirm if a referral to the transitions team is required. They will complete on your behalf. 16 years of age is usually a good time for this, as this is when 'Preparing for Adulthood' conversations should be taking place.
If the young person is not known to Children’s Services and they require adult social care services, they can make a self-referral from the age of 17 and 6 months by completing the online initial referral form . Request for an assessment - West Sussex Self Service (
If you have any questions about referring to adult social care, please contact our Adults' CarePoint.
Phone: 01243 642121
Calls using Relay UK: 18001 01243 642121 (for deaf callers from a textphone or the
NGT Lite app downloaded onto a computer, tablet or smartphone)
Online form: How to get adult social care support - West Sussex County Council
Write to: Adults’ CarePoint
County Hall
West Sussex
PO19 1RQ