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Please note: this A – Z is for guidance only.

We do not endorse these services, nor is this A-Z exhaustive of all available services/information. We encourage families and carers to support the young person with conducting their own research to find suitable services and information about transition into adulthood.

NHS Continuing Healthcare


While WSCC can help with social care needs, the NHS is responsible for support were the person has a primary health need. If the person needs ongoing nursing care, they may be eligible for NHS continuing healthcare funded support. More information can be found at ‘NHS continuing healthcare’ on the NHS Choices website.

NHS Suicide prevention/helping you stay safe


NHS Sussex Partnership have a Stay Alive app which is a pocket suicide prevention resource, full of information to help keep a person safe. The app includes a safety plan, customisable reasons for living and a life-box where people, or those they support, can store photos that are important to them.

The suicide prevention page also has information about NHS Sussex Partnership SAFE (suicide awareness for everyone). The aim of SAFE is to raise awareness, reduce stigma and promote suicide awareness for everyone.

Last updated: 19 March 2025