Service Providers with registered offices in Adur have the lowest levels of good and outstanding ratings with CQC in comparison to services in the other district and boroughs.
The proportion of WSCC funded customers in Adur receiving care and support at home in comparison to other service offers is high. However, the actual numbers of WSCC funded customers receiving care and support at home in Adur is the lowest in comparison to other areas and it also has the lowest increase in the number of people projected to need care and support at home by 2035 – reflective of the relatively small population numbers in this area. Adur does have the second highest number of funded customers who are over 65 with mental health needs.
By 2035 the projected growth in Adur for all care and support at home customers is around 23% (approximately 85 additional customers.)
WSCC commitment for care and support at home in Adur:
- Support service providers in Adur to ensure that the needs of older people with mental health needs can be met.
- Work with service providers in Adur to increase the number of services rated ‘good’ and ‘outstanding’ by CQC.