Adur has an estimated 16 residential and nursing care homes with a fairly even spread of residential, nursing, and dual-residential provision. This is the second lowest number of overall care home beds in the County and the lowest number of dementia specialist beds. However, Adur also has the lowest proportion of older people (7%) in West Sussex and the lowest number of older people in receipt of public funded bed spaces. Approximately 68% of residents in care and nursing homes currently in Adur are privately funded.
Only 38% of people living in Adur and in receipt of Council funded bed-based care remain in Adur once they move into residential services. A large proportion of people move into Worthing for this type of service. However, there are reportedly around 9.4% of unoccupied beds in Adur which does not indicate a need that is not currently meeting demand. It is possible there will be an increased need for provision which meets needs of older people with dementia where there is expected to be an increase of almost 30% of people with dementia from the current 17,000 estimated numbers.
Bearing in mind an anticipated increase in demand for the population of 200 more older people with high needs by 2035, the available beds currently, and the intention to develop between 120 – 150 units of extra care in Adur in the coming 10 years, it is anticipated that there is not likely to be a need for net growth in provision of residential care services in Adur over the next 10 years. This is of course dependent on a range of factors and could be subject to change.
Projected supply
It is projected that in 10 years there will not be a need for additional residential and nursing care in Adur based on current supply, future needs and demand and strategic direction with greater use of Extra Care Housing.
Suggested strategy
- No net growth of residential and nursing care.
- An increased focus on dementia provision.
- Reduce standard residential provision or redevelop for more complex care.
- Grow alternative options as planned for Extra Care Housing.