West Sussex has a population of 882,600 (2021 census) with an ageing older population compared to England overall. Those aged 65 + comprise 23% of the local population (2022 estimate, 205,800) which is expected to increase to 28% by 2035 (267,200). The largest percentage growth will be in those aged 85-89 years. The graph below shows this.
Demographic data – current and projected demographics and projected need for adult social care and older people bed-base care to 2035
- WSCC Publication
- Market Position Statement
- West Sussex County Council Older People’s Bed-Based Care Market Position Statement June 2024
- Demographic data – current and projected demographics and projected need for adult social care and older people bed-base care to 2035
The following graph shows older people population projections by district or borough. Arun, and Chichester currently have the largest proportion of older people (33%). The population of older people in Arun is projected to increase by 14,300 people by 2035, whilst Horsham, Crawley, and Chichester will see the biggest percentage increases in older people on their baselines (36%, 33%, 31% respectively).
The following graph shows dementia prevalence projections in West Sussex from 2024 to 2035. Currently, 7% of the older people population in West Sussex are estimated to have dementia (circa 15,000 people). This is projected to grow by 30% by 2035. The number of residents with dementia and at least two other long-term conditions is projected to increase from 8,000 in 2022 to 13,700 in 2035. It is also projected that adults with learning disabilities who may develop dementia early will also require support from the bed-base market. The prevalence of dementia projections for 2035 are highest in Arun, followed by Chichester, and Horsham. It is estimated that there will be least dementia prevalence in Adur and Crawley.
In this section
- Older people's bed-based care
- Ten commissioning intentions for older people’s residential and nursing care in West Sussex
- Aims of residential and nursing care in West Sussex
- Current supply of long-term residential and nursing care for older people
- Demographic data – current and projected demographics and projected need for adult social care and older people bed-base care to 2035
- Projected future demand for adult social care in West Sussex
- Future required supply of older people’s bed based care
- Next steps
- Future profiles - District / Borough level. Older people’s residential & nursing care