Using the service
- WSCC Publication
- Adult social care publications
- Supporting you to leave hospital
- Using the service
To be able to use the service you must be:
- willing and able to take part in your reablement
- medically fit for discharge from hospital
- able to understand what the programme is about
- able to work towards achieving your personal goals.
One of the team helping to plan your discharge will discuss this with you and decide if you could benefit from the service. You would then be informed where places are available in the county for you to take part in the reablement service.
What happens when I use the service?
Within 72 hours of admission to the service you will meet with a social care worker and an occupational therapist and you will have an assessment of your needs. You will then agree the goals that you want to achieve. Our staff will support you to achieve your goals and your progress will be reviewed on a weekly basis.
We will make sure that you leave the service with the right level of support to help you be as independent as possible at home. The occupational therapist will provide you with suitable equipment if this is required. A home visit may be completed prior to you going home.
Will I have to pay for this service?
No. The service is time-limited up to a maximum of six weeks and is provided free of charge while you are receiving reablement. The length of your stay will be agreed with your social care worker and occupational therapist. An average stay is typically two or three weeks but may be shorter or longer.