The following issues can be dealt with through the appeals process.

Eligibility – our decision on whether you are eligible to receive funded social care support, or what needs we should meet.
Self-assessment – whether you feel we have taken account of the information you provided.
Assessment – the results of our assessment of your needs.
Financial assessment – the amount of disability-related spending we take into account when assessing any contribution you will have to pay towards your care.
Support plan – the level of choice you have about how the outcomes set out in your support plan are met.
Personal budget – the amount of money allocated to you to meet your needs.

What if I need help to make an appeal?

• If you need help to make an appeal, please contact us and we will help you find an advocacy service (someone who will act on your behalf).
• You can also find information about available advocacy services by visiting our website at and searching for ‘Someone to speak for you’.

Last updated: 01 October 2023