What else do I need to be aware of as the person’s representative?

• The role is unpaid.
• You cannot be the person’s representative if you are working with them in the care home or hospital.
• You will be named as the representative in the DoLS authorisation.
• You will need to explain to the person all about the DoLS authorisation.
• You will need to visit the person regularly to check that they are getting as much freedom as they should have.
• You will need to check that the care home or hospital is keeping to any conditions in the DoLS authorisation.
• You will need to speak up for the person and help them to ask for a review of any part of the DoLS authorisation (if they want to do this). 
• You will need to help the person to appeal to the Court of Protection (if they want to do this).

The Court of Protection can decide whether or not the person should be deprived of their liberty. Depending on the person’s health conditions, they may be able to let you know that they are not happy about the DoLS authorisation and want to appeal. People express their views in different ways. For example, some people show this through a change in their behaviour or through non-verbal communication.

Court of Protection

The Court of Protection can provide information on how to appeal. Legal aid is available for all appeals to the Court of Protection.

Write to: 
Court of Protection
PO Box 70185
First Avenue House
42-49 High Holborn
London WC1A 9JA

Phone: 0800 0699 784  (a free helpline for information and guidance)
0300 456 4600

Email: courtofprotectionenquiries@justice.gov.uk



If you need help to understand the DoLS authorisation or to challenge the decision about the DoLS authorisation, you can ask us to arrange for an independent mental capacity advocate to help you and the person who is being deprived of their liberty. Contact our DoLS Team for more information.

Deprivation of Liberty Safeguards (DoLS) Team

Phone: 0330 222 3691
Calls using Relay UK:
18001 0330 222 3691
(for deaf callers from a textphone or the NGT Lite app downloaded onto a computer, tablet or smartphone)

Email: dols@westsussex.gov.uk

Last updated: 21 November 2024