Comments, compliments and complaints

We try to make sure that we always provide a high-quality service, but we know that there may be times when you are not entirely satisfied.

If you are not happy with the service you have received from us, or you are worried about your situation, tell someone you feel might be able to help you. The person from our service you have been in contact with, or their manager, is often the best person to help you. Or, you can contact our Customer Relations Team for adults. Please see the 'Useful contacts' page for their contact details.

Please let us know if you have found our services useful, or if you think someone has done a very good job.

Healthwatch West Sussex

You can also give feedback on our services through Healthwatch West Sussex. Healthwatch is a consumer champion for health and social care. It represents the interests of patients, customers and the public, locally and nationally. It is independent of local councils and the NHS. You can contact Healthwatch West Sussex by phoning 0300 012 0122 or visiting their website.

Last updated: 10 May 2024