Please contact us if you have any questions or think we may be able to help you or someone you know. We accept self-referrals and referrals from family, carers, friends and health professionals.

Adults' CarePoint

Phone: 01243 642121

Call using Relay UK: 18001 01243 642121 (from a textphone or the NGT Lite app downloaded onto a computer, tablet or smartphone)



Post: Second Floor, The Grange, County Hall, Chichester, West Sussex, PO19 1RG

Children's referrals

Phone: 01403 229900

Call using Relay UK: 18001 01403 229900 (from a textphone or the NGT Lite app downloaded onto a computer, tablet or smartphone)


Website: (search for 'occupational therapy support for children')

You may also be interested in some of the other information we produce. Please ask Adults’ CarePoint for copies or visit and search for ‘Adults’ social care publications’ or ‘Children’s social care’ publications’.

Visit for information and advice to support you to live independently.

Please contact Adults’ CarePoint if you would like more copies of this leaflet or you need this information in another format, for example on audio CD, large print or in another language.

Last updated: 21 November 2024