Our key successes
You can read more detail in the sections as indicated below in italics.
Working together – equality and diversity
- Our working together groups
How we’ve performed
Adult Social Care Outcomes Framework
People with a learning disability in stable accommodation - their own or with family. West Sussex – up from 57.6% in 2022-23 to 70.1%
Adults and Health Business Planning
- Market Position Statements being developed
- New resource allocation system to improve the way we allocate funding to people we support implemented in April 2023
- Work to develop the use of Artificial Intelligence (AI)
- Key milestones to improve the experience of young people moving from Children’s to Adults’ Services have been met.
- Development of a modern and cost-effective Commissioning Strategy
- Development of an online payment platform (portal) for domiciliary care providers to submit invoices and view status of payments
- Development of a workforce strategy
Wellbeing, prevention and independence
Information and advice
- 345 people referred to our Carewise care funding scheme
- 4,504 individual money advice sessions held by Age UK, West Sussex, Brighton and Hove as part of our Carewise scheme and £4.3 million accessed for people in additional benefits
Prevention and early support
- Working with the Library Service to roll out CLiO (Council and Local Information Online) as an adult social care digital directory of early support services for use by staff and external stakeholders
- 2,084 new installations of technology-enabled care – an increase of nearly 200 on the previous year
- Technology-enabled care – successful ‘Go Safe’ pilot to speed up hospital discharge won the Service Transformation Award at the industry awards.
- Prevention Assessment Team – 1,213 assessments carried out and 424 nurse advisor health checks. 78 outreach events attended
- Extra care housing - There are currently 17 schemes in the county providing 749 units of accommodation
- An Extra Care housing Market Position Statement
Supporting people when they need it in a way that works for them
Supporting family and friend carers
- Over 30,000 carers registered with Carers Support West Sussex
- Work with GPs has seen a 96% increase in referrals to Carers Support West Sussex from primary care colleagues
- 1,688 Carer Star Outcome conversations – 86% of carers reported an improvement in at least one area of their life
- Carers Benefit service identified £1.6 million of additional benefits
Supporting people with lifelong disabilities
- Exceeded our target of 75% of people with a learning disability having an annual health check
- An improvement in employment figures for people aged 18-65 years with a learning disability, up from 2.8% in 2022-23 to 3.1%
- From November 2023 to March 2024 we funded 135 more supported living placements than the previous year with a total of 1,146 with a lifelong condition living in the community
- As of March 2024 we are funding 1,446 people in supported living placements – a 14% increase since November 2023
Directly provided services
- Examples of how the service supports people to live the life they want to lead; be involved in their local community; maintain friendships and relationships; and having access to information
Supporting people with mental health needs
- New mental health service model which has encouraged innovation and excellence in practice
The workforce - our staff and providers
- Training and professional development for our social workers and occupational therapy staff
- International recruitment programme
- Second annual staff conference to celebrate our achievements
- Our support for providers and the care market, including the Great Care Employer scheme co-produced with providers and recognised as good practice by both the Skills for Care and NHS England.
Quality Assurance - who evaluates us?
- Our quality assurance framework