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Department of Health Adult Social Care Outcomes Framework 2022-23

Department of Health Adult Social Care Outcomes Framework 2023-24

The Adult Social Care Outcomes Framework demonstrates how well care and support services achieve the outcomes that matter to people. It is used locally and nationally to set priorities for care and support and to measure progress and enable comparison between local authorities in England. A significant amount of the data comes from the annual Adult Social Care Survey and the biennial Survey of Adult Carers which we implement on behalf of NHS England.

Set out below is our performance for 2023-24 and the comparison with the England average.  Figures for 2022-23 are given in brackets.

Set out below is our performance for 2023-24 and the comparison with the England average.  Figures for 2022-23 are given in brackets.

We use these data to identify positive performance and areas for improvement. See commentary on actions underway where our scores indicate improvement is necessary in the ‘Our key challenges and areas for improvement’ section.

People who use services who have control over their daily lives

West Sussex –81.9% (76.9%)
England – 77.6% (77.2%)

People receiving self-directed support

West Sussex –100 % (100%)
England – 92.2% (93.5%) 

Carers receiving self-directed support

West Sussex –100 % (100%)
England – 89.7% (89.3%) 

People receiving direct payments

West Sussex –24.1.% (22.5%)
England – 25.5% (26.2%) 

Carers receiving direct payments

West Sussex –100% (100%)
England – 77.4% (76.8%)

People with a learning disability in stable accommodation - their own or with family

West Sussex 70.1% (57.6%)
England – 81.6% (80.5%)

People who use services with as much social contact as they would like

West Sussex –50.75% (44.1%)
England – 45.6% (44.4%)

Long-term support needs of younger adults (aged 18-64) met by admission to residential and nursing care homes (per 100,000 population)

West Sussex – 15.2 (18.5)
England – 15.2 (14.6)

Long-term support needs of older adults (aged 65+) met by admission to residential and nursing care homes (per 100,000 population)

West Sussex –  548.3. (538.2)
England – 566.0 (560.8) 

Older people still at home 91 days after discharge from hospital into reablement services

West Sussex –67.6% (58.9%)
England – 83.8% (82.3%)

Older people receiving reablement services after leaving hospital

West Sussex –  1.1% (1.0%)
England – 3.0% (2.9%) 

Overall satisfaction of people who use services with their care and support

West Sussex –  67.3% (67.7%)
England – 65.4% (64.4%) 

Proportion of people who use services and carers who found it easy to find information about services

West Sussex –70.6% (71.4%)
England – 67.9% (67.2%)

Two-yearly NHS England survey of adult carers 2023-24 data
Figures for 2021-22 are given in brackets.

Carers with as much social contact as they would like

West Sussex – 29.2% (24%)
England – 30.0% (28%)

Overall satisfaction of carers with social services

West Sussex – 32.4% (36.8%)
England – 36.8% (36.3%)

Carers included or consulted in decisions about the person they care for

West Sussex – 54.9% (60.4%)
England – 66.4% (64.7%) 

Carers who found it easy to find information about services

West Sussex – 57.8% (60.9%)
England – 59.0% (57.7%)

Last updated: 16 January 2025